Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sneak Peak

The Downtown Bloomington Farmer's Market starts next Saturday, May 17th. New hours this year are 7:30 to Noon.

The garden pickings this time of year are still pretty slim. I have been enjoying fresh lettuce, spinach and asparagus from my personal patch. Also nibbling on some of the thinnings from the beet and radish beds.

All I will probably have for market the first week is
fresh green garlic and green onions. On the 'maybe list' is lettuce and radishes.

But don't let my limited offerings discourage you! Many farmers with more experience and gumption do a great job at getting early harvests so there should be plenty of garden goodies to be had.

Here is what the markets expects
Romaine and buttercrunch lettuce, bok choi, red and white radishes, beets, cilantro, Japanese turnips, mesclun, kohlrabi, sorrel, green garlic, arugula, spinach, chives, green onions, and assorted herbs (oregano, mint, thyme, chervil, sage, garlic chives), honey, maple syrup, popcorn, and freshly ground whole wheat flour. For planting in your own garden, you will find potted perennials, herbs, and more . . ."
See You at market!

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