Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Warm Weather and Rain

The past week has brought a blessing of warm weather and rain. More lettuce, spinach, peas, beets and radishes have been planted. The garlic and flower bulbs planted last fall are coming up nicely. The seedlings in my small greenhouse aren't faring so well. Still working on stabilizing the temperature. Also with all the high winds it has been kept inside the garage door. The opaque door cuts down the light and they are straining forward. I have ordered a few organic transplants for delivery in May as an 'ace in the hole'. If it turns out there are extra transplants I plan to make them available. After all, the long term plan is to get as many people as possible to produce food.

Calling for more rain tomorrow so I hope to get more peas planted today. All of the other peas have been planted into unworked ground. I'm going to loosen a row with the fork and plant these ones.