The title sums up what I've been doing since the last post. I don't like to use this excuse too often but "I've been real busy!"
With the help of my neighbor friend, Mary, and her kids (one of whom is my new helper)I got all of the potatoes in. I've also put out some pepper and tomato transplants, as well as more plantings of beans, greens, radishes, beets, etc. Our corn seed is untreated so we must wait for warm soil to plant. Gourds, pumpkins, melons and cukes will go in soon too. I have a lot of flower seed to go in too.
All of the chicks are out now. Still few losses. Something got at a pullet through their pen wire. It was only a small wound but enough to kill it. I noticed an injured wing on another. Obvious predator damage. I suspect the new cat who came home with me (unintentionally) in a load of feed . He also had been in the garage the night I lost 6 pullets to piling. It was not cold out and I had not had any other recent losses. I think the cat was up on their brooder cage causing a panic. When they pile in the corners the bottom ones can get killed. That is where I found the 6, dead but no predator damage. I now remember reading about making curved inserts for corners to help prevent this. Will try it with the new chicks coming.
I wanted to start marketing my produce in Bloomington yesterday, Saturday. I did not have a lot but enough to offer anyway. I had a bad experience the week before with a garage sale I held at my brother's. I was trying to raise a little cash since I've put about all available funds into the new garden venture. So I spent all this time getting ready and gas to get there only to make just enough to cover gas. And it cost me a day's planting to boot. I was afraid I would end with the same results in Bloomington with my small offering so I went with the sure thing and did a bunch of planting instead.
Still looking for any volunteers or cheap day laborers. Email me at jake@grandprairiefood.com if you want to come out to Flanagan and lend a hand. All the sunshine and fresh air you could want!
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