Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Cold Weather and Rain

The warm sunny weather has given way to cold and rain. Fortunately, my uncle and I wrapped up our new porch and I got 12 more rows in yesterday. The ground was definitely ready for some rain.

So far I have made 1 or more plantings of the following: peas, carrots, onions, beets, chard, spinach, lettuce, mustard, pok choi, green beans, radishes, kohlrabi and soybeans. My seed potatoes which were to ship the 1st week of april did not ship until the 19th and just arrived yesterday. I have 100 lbs ready to plant and 100 lbs. more to cut up. But the rain will hold planting up a couple of days.

The gladiolus are due this week too.

The cornish broilers made it outside last week. The weather was nice and they had a lot of feathers so I decided to get them out. They were clearly digging it. Not so much so today with the wind and rain. They have a moveable pasture pen with half enclosed. I've also put some straw bales at the corner they sleep at.

I took a look at the clover/ alfalfa/ rye pasture my cousin and I planted late last winter. Germination seems to be good. Once it is more developed chickens will go on it. right now it looks like corn stubble with a lot of green in the rows.

Speaking of corn stubble, what once seemed a hindrance is now considered a boon. Besides marking the rows and paths and providing mulch and organic matter to the soil, I notice the spiders like to make their webs between it. Imagine rows of gossamer all over the field!

Well, the rain is giving me a chance to indulge in some reading and catch up on some much needed housework. Better take advantage.

Oh yeah, Thursday is potato planting day. Email me at jake@grandprairiefood.com if you want to come out to Flanagan and pitch in.

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