Friday, January 19, 2018

Ever wonder what happened... that friendly, hippy guy from about ten years ago that used to show up to the market with dirty produce and would chew your ear raw if you got within 10' of his stand? Well, he moved to SW Wisconsin, tried to start a family and homestead with a crazy woman (wait, which one was crazy?), became homeless, lived in a barn with his cows, started a thrift store and lived in the back of it for a year, started another thrift store and stayed there for the next 5+ years, became a community activist and muckraker and is now getting back to growing food and plants for market. His thrift store is about to close and he's about to go back off-grid (but, ironically, he's getting back online). Follow the sporadic and vague reports of his latest adventure over at Strike the Root Farm blog.